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A Bell Ringer Day

God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. (I Peter 4: 10, The Message)

To avoid the morning chill, I had pulled the covers up to my chin, snuggling even deeper into the down comforter. The alarm pulled me from the depths. BRAYNK, BRAYNK … wa … what? … where is that noise coming from? I cracked open an eye wide enough to see my cell phone vibrating across the nightstand. I shut off the alarm, nuzzled back into my warm, cozy cocoon and drifted back to sleep.

It rang again. It was 4:10 a.m. Laying my head back onto the warm pillow, I wondered what had just happened. I had not set the alarm last night. So, who did? Questions swirled around in my head. Could it have been an angel? Lord, do you want to talk with me? What is going on?

Experience had taught me that God’s assignments were not always convenient. Truth be told, His schedule was rarely on my human timeline. Sensing a battle brewing in the heavenly realm, I got up and readied for war.

My usual battle stance was pacing the floor with a clenched fist and an open Bible. The more emotional I felt, the louder I prayed. Even with the door closed, the whole household soon knew when mom was at war. I imagine the neighbors also wondered what that crazy woman (that would be me) next door was doing.

On this particular morning, however, I felt anxious and needed God’s peace. So instead of my usual warrior stance, I sat quietly soaking in His presence. I laid my heart next to God’s heartbeat and synchronized with His rhythm of grace. His pace. Quietly, He restored my soul and strengthened my heart. I was ready to face the battle.

Scriptures rumbled around inside of me seeking a voice. Softly, I whispered, “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in Him will I trust.” [1] One verse after another poured out. Every word affirming God’s authority in me. Every declaration increasing my faith.

Lord, whatever you want of me, I’m ready.

I sent a quick text to several friends and family members. “Is there anything going on in your life right now? I’m up and praying.”


PRAY— Jacob didn’t come home last night— might be drugs — don’t know what to do.”

Oh no. This text was from MY daughter. This was MY teenage grandson.

Blood pounded in my ears and fear pushed against the walls of my mind like a swinging wrecking ball. “Oh my God … oh my God … is he dead? … did he overdose? … is he in a ditch somewhere?” With frantic abandon, I dodged the enemy’s onslaught with a counterpunch.

For God has not given me a spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind … God is my refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble … in ALL things give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” It felt like enemy forces had just pushed against my faith. It was apparent that I would have to be more determined than hell itself if I was to win this battle.

Feeling emboldened I made my request. Lord, will you send warring angels to protect and guard Jacob? I figured if God had sent angelic messengers to Hagar on behalf of her son Ishmael, I too could ask Him to protect my bloodline.[2]

Rope from Heaven

Suddenly, I had a vision. I saw a huge, thick rope drop from heaven right between my grandson and me. In that moment, I understood that every prayer over Jacob’s life had become a thick fiber, twisted and tightly braided into this giant cord. Still in the vision, I then saw a strong hand reach down and strategically tie big knots in the cord. When Jacob was ready to grab the rope, the knots would keep him from slipping.

Charles Spurgeon said, “Prayer pulls the rope below, and the great bell rings above in the ears of God. Some scarcely stir the bell, for they pray so languidly; others give but an occasional pluck at the rope; but he who wins with heaven is the man who grasps the rope boldly and pulls continuously, with all his might [3].”

Every prayer — every declaration — every faith-filled thought pulled on the rope and rang the bell in heaven.

Shut the Door

My assignment was to prayerfully shut the door to every legal entrance of the enemy. [4] You see, Jacob’s habitual disobedience to God had given Satan a legal right to invade and manipulate his life. He built a stronghold and took up squatter’s rights in Jacob’s mind. According to the law, a squatter has a legal allowance to use the property of another in the absence of an attempt by the owner to force eviction. And after an extended season, the squatter can legally take full possession.

Now wrapped in the thick fog of addiction and shame, Jacob had withdrawn from family and former friends. We missed him.

Legal access had to be closed. Being clueless as to how this was supposed to happen, I did the only thing I knew to do — I bowed before the Lord in worship and thanked Him for loving my grandson. I prayed against the evil deception that had invaded his mind, his heart, and his relationships. You see, when he took that first shot of heroine, and then another, the enemy deceived Jacob into chasing an elusive black shadow, which lured him away from his God-given potential and purpose for living.

I reminded the enemy that Jacob had the gift of salvation and the eternal promise of friendship with God. [5] I prayed he would see himself from God’s perspective — that magical moment when a sliver of light would find its way into his heart and he would find Christ in himself.[6]

My heart stayed on red alert throughout the day. Every idle moment was filled with thoughts of God’s promises. When worry encroached, I’d cast down the empty arguments and replace them with words of hope. Each pulsating, life-giving thought threaded more fiber into the rope. Days of prayer finally created the spiritual energy necessary to reroute my grandson’s life.

Jacob later shared, “I kept waking up in a cold sweat, dreaming about a jail cell closing in on me.” He knew he should turn himself in, but was too afraid. Throughout the day, he would see iron bars flash in front of him. “Out of nowhere,” he said, “I saw the flashing red lights of a police car behind me.” What he feared had come upon him. The jail cell he had seen in his dream was now a hard, cold reality.

It was a beginning. Although people usually don’t consider jail time a good thing, we felt it was a safe place for Jacob to get clean from drugs. It was a bell ringer day.

The Bell Still Rings

Although Jacob has continued to struggle with his addiction, he has determined to rebuild his life. He has lightly pulled on the rope that still hangs invisibly in front of him. My assignment isn’t over. I will continue to pray for his freedom and look forward to the day when together we’ll pull on the rope and ring the bell in heaven.

Your Turn

Have you been supporting a person in a difficult situation? Are you feeling weary in the fight? Have you been tempted to lay down your assignment?

You must be more determined than the forces that come against you. Otherwise, it won’t take much pressure to say, “It’s too hard.” When that happens, you will mentally start packing your bags so you can travel back to a more comfortable place.

Hold steady. In the midst of the challenges and assaults from the enemy that inevitably accompany your obedience, continue to plant seeds of hope. The Bible reminds us to not grow weary while doing good, for in “due season” we shall reap. Sometimes a “due season” means a quick return. Sometimes it means a process or slow return that may take years or a lifetime.

Never forget — every hope-filled prayer threads the rope in heaven.

Don’t give up. When God gave you the assignment, He also provided you with enough faith and determination to get the job done.

You are a necessary weapon in the battle.

A bell ringer day is on its way!

[1]Psalms 91:1 [2]Gen 21:17 [3] Gideon House of Books. Charles Spurgeon Gems of Truth & Beauty p 192 [4] Ephesians 4:27 [5]Matthew 6:10 [6]Warring for Destiny author Kathryn Holcomb

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