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Ears to hear!

Philippians 4:9 …Whatever you have learned, received or heard from Me, put it into practice.


The first time I preached in a men’s high security prison, I was more than a little intimidated.  The clanging sound of steel doors opening and closing behind me—there were six of them—threatened to shake my resolve. A heaviness pushed its finger against my chest as if to say, “you’re in my town now!” Regret and hopelessness wrapped around me like a blanket threatening to suffocate. And so many rules … don’t hug, don’t ask for full names, don’t ask why they are in prison … more don’ts than do’s.


Two things kept me walking through those doors. I knew I had been called to touch these men with the power of the Holy Spirit—not my choice of when and where but His—not someday but right now!  Secondly, the prison chaplain’s words “JoAnne, don’t hold back anything the Holy Spirit tells you to do! I trust you and I trust the Holy Spirit.”


When I asked the Holy Spirit what His original design was for these men, He gave me a picture of how He saw them—with trophies in hand. Winners who had run their race—no matter the detours—the end game being the same victory.[1]


Phil, in his 40’s was one of fifty men the Holy Spirit highlighted that night. As the gifts of prophecy, word of knowledge and words of wisdom flowed, the Holy Spirit told Phil that design and building was a gift God had given him and his career as a building contractor was a good choice.  Follow Me and I will guide you into a successful future, He said. Another young man wept as the Holy Spirit told him his son had not rejected him and God would redeem their time of separation. It was a powerful night as one after another the men asked for prayer and the Holy Spirit met them in their moment of need.


A year later, I returned to minister in that same prison. Phil was excited to see me.

I think God brought you here tonight just for me to thank you! 

I will never forget the prophetic word you spoke to me.

Tomorrow is my last day in prison and I’m taking that hope with me.”

Looking me in the eye, he said, “I know I am going to be fine.” 

The loud, clanging sound of prison doors now signaled Phil’s road to freedom rather than regret.[2] The sound of the closing of the old things and onward to the new that the Holy Spirit had promised. Just as I chose to act on what I heard God ask of me... Phil chose to trust in the message, and received the words through faith that God was with him through it all.


Imparting God’s love and future plans to others is a breathtaking experience. He will lead you through open doors where there were only walls and empower you to unlock the culture of heaven on earth. To know what the Holy Spirit wants to say and do and then doing it.[3]


Consider the Journey:

When I first became activated in the spiritual gifts—especially the gift of prophecy and words of knowledge—I sought out seasoned people with similar gifts and asked the important questions. 

• When did you first realize God had anointed you? 

• How and when did you start hearing clearly from the Lord? 

• How does He speak to you and lead you? 

• What standards do you follow to know it’s God’s voice you are hearing and not your own?

• How do you connect with someone in order to share what the Holy Spirit is saying? 

• How long did it take to become consistent and accurate in your hearing?

• What kind of spiritual gift training have you experienced?


For some reason, many people think spiritual gifts just happen and they try to bypass the skill building process.  Shawn Boltz, author of Hearing God’s Voice, challenges us to burst that bubble because it just doesn’t work that way. Hearing God’s heart and voice for others takes a whole lot of training, courage, prayer, practice and experience.


Over the next few weeks, we will post several blogs that talk about some of the things we’ve learned on our spiritual journeys. So, keep checking back with us at to learn more.


Today, I pray God’s presence will break into your world in an even greater way.  May the fire of God fill you with wide-eyed wonder and ignite the spiritual gifts you have already been given. It’s non-negotiable—because it makes space for God Himself to mark a life.


[1] II Timothy 4:7, I Cor 9:24

[2] Acts 16:26-33 

[3] I Corinthians 14:4

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